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Safety Signs and Signals

Who Should Read This? You! If you are an employer, or have responsibility for a work site or premises. What are the Main Legal Requirements? Signs should be used if, after a risk assessment and sensible controls have been carried out and implemented a significant risk remains, which can be reduced by having them. You […]

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Frequently asked questions on CDM 2015

It’s been exactly three years and three months to the day since the CDM Regulations 2015 came into force and since then, the UK has seen some considerable changes, including the change from a coalition to a Conservative majority and then more recently back to a partnership agreement with the D.U.P. As a country, we have seen net growth in population of just under 380,000 and economically we have grown, (but more slowly) in the last two years than previously and the construction industry represents just over 6% of the GDP.

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