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Dismissal and Re-engagement

What’s new? A new Code of Practice on Dismissal and Re-engagement, also known as ‘fire and rehire’ has been introduced, effective from July 2024. The Code includes recommendations for employers to follow, regardless of the size of the business and how many employees are affected. What do I need to do? Follow the key provisions […]

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Changes to Flexible Working Rights

Overview The Employment Rights (Flexible Working) Act 2023 comes into force on 6 April which give employees further rights in respect of requesting flexible working. What do I need to know? The following changes are coming into force:- 1. Removal of Continuous Service Requirement Removal of the need for employees to have 26 weeks’ continuous […]

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Unpaid Carer’s Leave

What’s new? From 6th April, employees will have the right to take up to one week unpaid carer’s leave annually to give or arrange care for a dependent with long-term care needs.   What are the key details? 1  The right is from day-one of employment. 2  The leave can be taken in full or […]

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Change to the Working Time Regulations 1998

Following a change to the Working Time Regulations 1998 which stated rolled up holiday on the basis of 12.07% of hours worked for irregular-hours or part-year workers was unlawful, the government consulted over this amendment and has ruled that holiday for these workers can again be calculated in this way. From 1 April 2024, employers […]

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Menopause in the workplace – Guidance for employers

The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) has published new guidance on menopause in the workplace to help employers understand their legal obligations relating to women who are going through the menopause as well as details on the support they should provide affected employees. This includes advice on making reasonable adjustments for women who are […]

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Paternity leave

New changes in Paternity Leave Legislation The Current Legislation   Essentially eligible employees whose partner is having a baby (or adopting a child or having a baby through a surrogacy arrangement) are entitled to the following. Entitlement – 1 or 2 weeks’ paid paternity leave. Must be taken together in a block of either 1 […]

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Time to Talk Day

Time to Talk Day 01 Feb 2024 On 1 February, the UK charities Mind and Rethink Mental Illness will be running Time to Talk Day. 1 in 4 of us will experience a mental health problem in any given year. Time to Talk Day is the perfect opportunity to start a conversation about mental health. […]

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Working Safely in Hot Conditions – Bulletin (June/2023)

Working Safely in Hot Conditions There’s no law for maximum working temperature, or when it’s too hot to work. However, Employers need to act to make sure their workers are protected during periods of extreme hot weather this summer. HSE is asking employers to consider simple and cheap measures such as: • Making sure workplace […]

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Working safely with Display Screen Equipment (DSE)

All employers must protect workers from health risks of working safely with display screen equipment (DSE) this includes; • at a fixed workstation • mobile workers • home workers • hot-desking (workers should carry out a basic risk assessment if they change desks regularly) Incorrect use of Display Screen Equipment (DSE) or poorly designed workstations […]

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