Keep safe at work in the winter months – Health and Safety Bulletin (November 2023)
Keep safe at work as the winter months begin.
Wintry weather is settling in, which means slips and trips accidents are likely to increase.
Issues to consider during the winter months are:-
• Lighting
• Wet and decaying leaves
• Rain water
• Ice, frost, snow
• Gritting
Lack of lighting can mean that certain hazards can not be seen and avoided. Ask your staff if
there is enough lighting, or walk both internal and external routes to checking there is enough
lighting at darker periods of the day.
Wet and decaying leaves
Fallen leaves can create two issues, they become slip risks when wet/decaying and can cover
hazards. Put in place a procedure for removing leaves at regular intervals.
Rain water
A popular location for rain slips are at building entrances. Fitting canopies of a good size over
building entrances can help to prevent rainwater entering the building.
If a canopy is not a possibility installing large, absorbent mats or even changing the entrance
flooring to one which is non-slip would help prevent slips.
Consider slip resistant when wet materials, for external paved areas.
Ice, frost and snow
Identify the external areas used by pedestrians most likely to be affected by ice, frost or snow and
take action when freezing temperatures are forecast.
Put a procedure in place to prevent an icy surface forming and/or keep pedestrians off the
slippery surface;
• Use grit (see below)
• Divert pedestrians to less slippery walkways and barrier off existing ones. If warning
cones are used, remember to remove them once the hazard has passed or they will
eventually be ignored.
Gritting to be carried out if snow, frost or ice is forecast or floor temperature are at or below
freezing. The best times to grit are early evening before the frost settles and/or early morning
before employees arrive. Salt doesn’t work instantly; it needs sufficient time to dissolve into the
moisture on the floor. If you grit when it is raining heavily the salt will be washed away, causing
a problem if the rain then turns to snow.
For more information on slips visit the HSE website guidance on slips and trips.
If you would like help in implementing or further advice this, please get in touch