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NEWS: Tips for better mental health in the workplace – health and safety bulletin October 22

On the back of World Mental Health Day, we wanted to share some tips from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) ‘Working Minds Campaign’.

Stress, depression and anxiety are the second biggest cause of work-related ill health in the construction industry.

A sad woman bites her nails while looking downwards at the floor. The picture is black and white

The earlier a problem is tackled the less impact it will have for your workers and business.

It’s not just physical barriers that can present problems in the work arena and many businesses are now looking towards supporting the mental health and wellbeing of their staff too.

Follow the five Rs towards better mental health

1.     Reach out and have conversations

2.     Recognise the signs and causes of stress

3.     Respond by agreeing relevant action points between employer and worker

4.     Reflect on the actions taken – have things improved?

5.     Make it Routine to check back in on how things are going

Starting a conversation is an important first step in preventing work-related stress in construction.

If you need help getting conversations started, HSE’s Talking toolkit aims to help managers talk with workers as part of their overall approach to preventing and managing work-related stress.

Talk to someone

If you think that a worker is having problems, encourage them to talk to someone, whether it’s their line manager, worker or trade union representative, GP or their occupational health team if available.

You can also access HSE partners Mates in Mind handbook or The Lighthouse Construction Industry Charity, which provides free and confidential 24/7 support.

If your business is looking for a dedicated wellbeing support package for your workforce, Greens can recommend Wellbeing Therapy Solutions (WTS). Based in Leicester, WTS offer bronze, silver and gold packages which include a variety of online and in-person sessions to create a positive wellbeing and mental health culture in your workplace.

Visit Wellbeing Therapy Solutions for more information.

Read more: NEWS: HSE to target construction sites

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Sam Green

Sam’s passion for helping people and his qualifications as a Graduate Member of IOSH, Diploma in Occupational Safety & Health, NEBOSH Construction and PTLLS means that he can prevent small businesses from struggling with the requirements of good health and safety.