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Updates to First Aid at Work Guidance

The Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981 has been updated to include:

1. Mental health

The updated guidance puts emphasis on you to take account of your
employee’s mental health in the first aid needs assessment. Under certain
circumstances it may be helpful to have people trained to identify mental
ill health symptoms who can support someone who is experiencing a
mental health issue. Greens Consultancy will include this in your first
aid needs assessment.

2. Life-threatening bleeding

If there is potential your employees may encounter life-threatening
bleeding first aid trainers must be trained in how to manage this. Before
booking onto the next first aid course check this is covered. Rest assured
all first aid courses booked through Greens Consultancy cover life-threatening bleeding.

3. First-aid training providers

All first aid training providers must demonstrate to you that they are
competent to deliver first-aid training. If you are booking in first aid
training through your preferred provider let us know and we can provide
advice on checking competency.

To take the hassle out of finding a competent training provider all of
Greens Consultancy’s first aid providers have had their competencies

If you would like help in implementing or further advice on this, please get in

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