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Unpaid Carer’s Leave

What’s new?

From 6th April, employees will have the right to take up to one week unpaid carer’s leave annually to give or arrange care for a dependent with long-term care needs.


What are the key details?

1  The right is from day-one of employment.

2  The leave can be taken in full or half-day increments, with a three-day notice requirement or double the length of leave requested, whichever is longer.

3  A dependant is someone who has a physical or mental illness or injury which means they’re expected to need care for more than 3 months; a disability (as defined in the Equality Act 2010); or care needs because of their old age.

4  The dependant does not have to be a family member. It can be anyone who relies on the employee for care.

5  Employees do not need to give evidence of their dependant’s care needs or need to put the request in writing.

6  While employers cannot refuse this leave, they may postpone it if they reasonably believe it would cause serious disruption to their organisation, as long as the postponed leave is granted within one month of the requested date.


What do I need to do?

Be aware of the employee right in respect of unpaid carer’s leave, and contact Greens if you have any questions.


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