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Working Safely in Hot Conditions – Bulletin (June/2023)

Working Safely in Hot Conditions

There’s no law for maximum working temperature, or when it’s too hot to work.
However, Employers need to act to make sure their workers are protected during periods of
extreme hot weather this summer.

HSE is asking employers to consider simple and cheap measures such as:

• Making sure workplace windows can be opened or closed to prevent hot air from
circulating or building up• Provide fans, such as desk, pedestal or ceiling-mounted ones
• Provide air-cooling or air-conditioning and adequate ventilation
• Using blinds or reflective film on workplace windows to shade workers from the sun
• Placing workstations away from direct sunlight and heat sources
• Putting insulation around hot pipes and machinery
• Offering flexible working patterns / rescheduling work so workers can work at cooler
times of the day
• Introduce flexible working patterns, such as job rotation, moving workers to cooler
parts of the building where possible
• Provide free access to drinking water (avoid caffeinated or carbonated drinks)
• Relaxing dress codes if possible.
• Providing weather-appropriate personal protective equipment, re-evaluate your
equipment as newer PPE may be lighter and provide improved levels of protection
and operator comfort
• Encouraging workers to remove personal protective equipment when resting (ideally
in shaded areas) to cool off.
• Provide facilities for PPE to be dried so it can be worn again
• Where the site is outdoors, to provide protection from adverse weather. Site rest
facilities must also be maintained at an appropriate temperature.
• Allow slower work rates
• Review your risk assessment to see if automated or alternative systems of work can be
• Sharing information about the symptoms of heat stress and what to do if someone is
• Sharing information on sun safety for those working outside

If you would like help in implementing or further advice this, please get in touch

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